The World's Leading PTR-MS Trace Analyzers Company


Investing in Solar Power - 100 % Renewable Energy

In summer 2024 we finished the installation of solar panels on top of our company's building. This takes our efforts to minimize the CO2 footprint during our operations one step further.

A day aboard NASA's DC-8 Flying Lab with FUSION PTR-TOF

Hop aboard NASA's DC-8 flying laboratory and experience heavy G-forces, rapid pressure changes and temperatures above 40°C... all for science!

Superior Performance of CHARON FUSION PTR-TOF

CHARON FUSION PTR-TOF 10k was deployed to characterize summertime organic aerosol with a focus on detecting toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the particle phase.

Fenceline Monitoring: PTR-TOF tracks air quality in real-time

IONICON has successfully implemented a fenceline monitoring solution for a large petrochemical industrial complex in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ensuring regulatory compliance.

FUSION PTR-TOF Tastes Chicken Soup

PTR-TOF masters the analysis and quantification of in-vivo volatile flavor release from different foods in real-time, revealing the invisible with high mass-resolution and utmost sensitivity.

Grand Opening of New IONICON R&D hub

The new IONICON R&D hub: more than 400 m2 new space for our R&D activities. Investing into high-tech development and more workplace quality.

Video of PTR-TOF live demo at analytica 2024

Thanks for visiting us at analytica 2024 in Munich! What a great show. See a video of our PTR-TOF live demo, rapid analysis of food & flavor head-space.

Free download of Contributions to the 9th PTR-MS Conference 2024

Download the brand new book of submitted conference abstracts and see why our customers rely on genuine PTR-MS, PTR-TOF and the new FUSION PTR!

Analytica 2024

Visit us at Analytica in Munich, April 9-12, booth A2.506B. Contact us for your free Analytica day-pass!

IONICON recognized as family-friendly company

The local government recognized us as part of the most family-friendly employers in the county of Tirol, Austria which has been determined in a competition.